Thursday, November 29, 2012

Burning an Image to a CD

By: J.N Villarreal

 How to Burn an Image to CD

    Collecting family pictures on a computer can be a hassle. Not to mention, those colorful images we find on the internet and save through countless folders; can slow down the CPU on your computer. If you do not want to delete images or simply want to have a backup, then burning those images into a CD is a preferred way to store them away from your pc, and free up quite a bit of memory on your drive.

Download Power Iso

 PowerISO is an excellent CD / DVD / BD image file processing tool, which allows you to open, extract, burn, create, edit, compress, encrypt, split and convert ISO files, and mount ISO files with internal virtual drive. Click on download, then open the file and click next, then install. To download power ISO go here: Power Iso

Run Power ISO

  Run Power ISO, and click the "Open" button on toolbar or choose "File” then “Open" menu to gain access to an existing iso file.  Double clicking the file will also open it. Do not click delete though, if you do, go to the “Recycled bin” to recover the icon.

Insert blank disk

  Once Power Iso is running, make sure to have mounted up a blank CD on your drive.  You can use DVD or CDR for the task. For movies, however, only use DVD‘s since CDR does not support burning movies.

Burning drive

  Choose the burning drive, which holds the disc that you want to burn. Choose the drive by clicking the arrow in the drop down box section after clicking “burn”.

The speed

Next, choose the burning speed. The program installs a default burning speed at the maximum supported by the drive and the media.

Verify written data

Check the option "Verify written data" to verify the data after burning.

Start burning!

 Click "Burn" button to start burning iso file.

Wait for the burn

It should take just a few minutes to burn, depending on how big the file is. Do not turn off your computer in the meantime. Doing so, you will have to restart the burn.

Burning done

Once the images are burned into the CD, the drive should “auto-eject” the disk automatically.

Check CD for errors

    Re-insert the CD back in, to check if the burn was a success. On some occasions, CD’s can have some errors, depending on the manufacturer or the windows operating system. It is always best to check just in case, before you delete those files from your computer. So, make sure you have made backups successfully.


  There are many other options available to store up images; from usb’s, freeware’s or you can try other options, create a “Photobucket” or a social blog to store up images. Beware though, if you do not want your pictures and images on the internet and desire to keep your anonymity, then burning them into a CD is the best option available for you, your friends and your family; since sites such as “photobucket” tends to have hackers lurking around.


“When you are finished burning files into your CD’s, make sure you label them to keep them organized.”


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